Monday, January 30, 2012

Week 4 blog

Video clip:

The word "SAG" floats above the defeated TODD INGRAM's head as his hair regains it normal composure. Todd is a tall blonde bass guitar player wearing a white jumpsuit. Todd touches his hair.


Scott pilgrim
You once were a vegan (vee-gone) but now, you will be gone

Scott head-butts Todd. BOOM. CHU-CHING. Todd turns into a bunch of coins. The coins fall to the ground. CHING CHING. Scott touches his forehead. Two VEGAN POLICE run out of the room high-five, and get in their car.

The great thing about Scott Pilgrim vs The World is the movies use of sound effects. In this scene there is a distinct impact noise followed by a shower of coins, when Scott headbutts Todd. The impact sounds are all presented in flat-space and are diegetic. Off-screen before the head-butt we can hear a diegetic "Oh my God." And building up to the hit we hear a non-diegetic thumping bass, that rises and suddenly stops on impact.

P.S. I had trouble uploading the screenplay as a PDF/Image, so I pasted it in directly.

Week 3 blog
To reinvent yourself, this article suggests there are 7 different ways to do so. Getting connected through social media or in person, it doesn't matter the more people who value you or what you do, the more successful you can become. Whether you're good at it or not, make art. Art can be a painting, or even programming user interfaces. And with that art, you must face the resistance, acknowledge the lizard, and put yourself out there. It's the risk of being shut down that stops most people from being great.

This blog is purely for the grade, but if enough effort is applied and I have innovative ideas about doing this blog then I might get something out of it. Obviously this blog could act as a great way for me to connect with others, and have them see what work I can produce. Alternatively, I can see other's work, take the initiative and connect with them. It's not what you know, it's who you know.
By blogging and putting my creativity to the test, I am making art for this class. Though it's not my preferred medium or subject matter I am getting experience in something. Whether or not this is laughed at, given a bad grade, or even looked at, I'm benefiting myself by practicing.
It's apparent to me that there will be times in my life where I am laughed at for what I create. That alone would be enough to stop me, or "shut down my art." I know, however, that it is the risk that leads to reward and acknowledging the resistance, or the lizard brain, helps to ignore the obstacles in my way.

Week 2 blog

Flaum references a story of a tiger in a zoo, that he heard in fifth grade. Whenever the tiger would escape the zoo, he would just end up in another zoo. I got from the story that you can't run from your problems or try to escape them, but rather deal with them and at the end you will find what you were looking for.

An excerpt from Oh lord by Foxy Shazam
"Cause there is always a wrong to your right
And there will always be a war somewhere to fight
And god knows I've had some rough f***ing years
Oh lord, oh lord, keep on keeping on"

This is one of my favorite songs, not only because I love the way it sounds but because the lyrics connect with me. The line "there is always a wrong to your right" means to me that no matter what you do there is a chance not everyone will be happy. "And there will always be a war somewhere to fight" reminds me that not everyone will agree with what happens in life and the decisions you make. But aside all of the discord and troubling decisions, life is going to be rough, we have to trudge through and "keep on keeping on."
Beyond the life decisions, this song speaks to me as a creative person. I understand that not everyone who experiences something creative I make will like it. I know that there can always be better ways of doing something. And I know that even if I'm not successful right away, I will be as long as I "keep on keeping on."

Week 1 blog

The yellow and red colors are vivid and in your face, the warm color scheme is comforting and friendly. Red and yellow are somewhat apart of an analogous color scheme which is easy on the eyes.

The light used is explosive, unexpected, and exciting all while showing the character in a positive light. As a wrestler Hulk Hogan is going to be flashy and attention grabbing. Just like this sparkler.

The horse shoe is an essential shape for this character. Without the trademark facial hair Hulk Hogan wouldn't be Hulk Hogan, he'd just be a muscular guy. The horse shoe shape shows Hulk Hogan as a guy who you don't want to mess with. At the same time however, it is a comforting reminder to those on his side, that Hulk Hogan is the baddest dude around.

Hulk Hogan!

This character's prominent color is an orange prison jumpsuit. In our culture this orange is looked as evil and somewhat scary. Other than the metal, this character has a monochromatic orange color scheme.

A dark light was chosen to display this character. Lightning provides limited visibility, leaving everything relatively dark until it strikes. Lighting is random and deadly which makes this antagonist that much scarier.

Wielding two lightening whips, this characters shape is similar to tentacles. Slithering and constricting, an ultimately horrifying death.
